Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Little Gems" from the Mind of Sayge Norton

It's hard to believe these images were taken by an 8-year-old, but I guess when you are born with the photog family gene, you're probably a little bit ahead of the game!

These priceless photographs, including the "wet, dead butterfly" to the left, and the "mother-daughter self-portrait through an aquarium" below, are the work of Sayge Norton, whose mother, Janel Schroeder-Norton, was a photographer for many years at the St. Petersburg Times, before giving it all up to take a "cushy" job as a magazine photo editor. (Just kidding, Janel!)

Sayge's photos show the talented apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But, despite her obvious talent, the viewpoint is all kid.

Who else would even notice a dead butterfly on the sidewalk and see the beauty in it? Or the gorgeous texture of the blue crab below? (Click on any of these images to see a larger, more clear version of it. The blue crab in particular can't be appreciated in such a small size.)

But my personal favorite is the ceiling fan in her bedroom, below. Only a kid would spot that and find it interesting. Or someone who hasn't lost the ability to see like a child.

So, thank you, Sayge, for sharing your "little gems,'' as your mom describes them, with us. Keep shooting and email us more images anytime!

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