Sunday, March 28, 2010

Welcome to a "work in progress" - submit your child's work and help us all remember to see "Through the Eyes of a Child!"

Children's art - be it written, painted, or sketched in crayon on the sidewalk - often captures a view of the world, a unique perspective, that many of us have lost as we get older - and perhaps life has bumped us around a bit. Children don't typically have all the "stuff" running around in their heads that we "grown-ups" often allow to interfere with our true vision. I think we could all learn a thing or two from the child's view of the world.

So, the purpose of this blog is to provide a space for children of all ages to post their artwork, their poems, and their photographs - anything really that captures the world as they see it. Depending on the response, I eventually plan to post questions or suggestions - and see what the multitudes of youthful minds produce.

As the headline indicates, this is literally a brand new work in progress. (One that took me 10 years to finally undertake but brand new, nonetheless.)

If you have an image you would like to submit, here are the basic - and very simple - guidelines.

1 - Send a jpg, gif or bmp to this email address: Preferably 300 dpi, but if you don't have that or know what it is, don't worry about it. You can even send prints and I'll get them scanned in. (Last resort only, please. :)

2 - Include your child's full name, although we will only publish first names for privacy reasons. Pleaes also include your hometown and your child's age. Being a former reporter, I know it's fun for readers/viewers to see where everyone hails from. But, as a parent, if this is a concern, that is your call entirely.

3 - Each child will maintain full ownership of whatever work they submit. I will never sell any child's artwork; although, at some point, I would like to set up an online store through Cafe Press or some similar site to allow the kids to sell their own work. Depending on the response, there is also a chance that some of these images may be selected for publication in a book. But we will cross that road when - and if - we come to it!

I am also interested in publishing quotes or anecdotes that you come across that, once again, demonstrate the pure and unadulterated view of the world children have. The way children see the world is priceless and I don't think we do enough to honor them for it and showcase the wisdom that lies behind it. Pay attention to them - they deserve that much. This little online "gallery" is my way of paying attention.

I welcome your feedback and suggestions! Thank you to Child Art Magazine for use of the top image and Centennial Middle School for the wonderful drawing of the Historic Courthouse in downtown Dade City. (More from those talented kids to come!)

PS - The heart image above is actually by Brazilian artist Romero Britto, who has managed to maintain a child-like enthusiasm in his work. This image is Heart Kids and is reprinted here courtesy of The Kids and Earth image above that is courtesy of Squidoo Kids Art Supply Kits.

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